What Ho! Mr. Obvious here. Have you ever been drawing and had your pencil point become unsharp? I used to say dull... but the pencil-Americans took offense at that. They aren't dull... not that there is anything WRONG with being a dull-American. Some of Mr. Obvious' best friends are dull... but I digress. Here is what we professional drawers (artist-Americans) do when this happens to us.

I searched the internets and found this automatic, electric pencil resharpening device. It only cost $129.95 and of course I bought the extended warranty for an additional $129.95. If anything goes wrong with it, I get a new one absolutely FREE! Is this a great country or what? Anyhoo... all you have to do is firmly, but steadily push the pencil into the resharpening hole, and it has a new point applied to it... while you wait!

Ha!... I just remembered the episode of Andy Griffith I watched last night. Aunt Bee made these horrible kerosene cucumbers... what a hoot! I laughed so much...

...and that Barney... he is SO funny! I remember the time he locked himself in the jail. You know, that show was best in black and whilte... when it changed to color it was never the same...

Ah, yes... the pencil... here we are all nice and pointy again. I was going to tell you another tip I have learned about this electric resharpening device... something about not getting distracted while using it. Now how did that go? I don't seem to remember... anyhoo, now I can draw fine details again.

There we go... I am drawing those fine lines again! Yippee! I do believe the quality of these pencils has been going down recently. They just don't seem to last like they did in the old days. I must fire off a letter to my congressman concerning this issue. Well, thanks for stopping by... and come back soon for more exciting professional art tips from Mr. Obvious.
Remember... if you don't think too good... don't think too much!
earlier episodes of Mr. Obvious can be seen
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