What, SocMo worry?
I grew up on Mad Magazine. I was drawing Alfred E. Neuman in Jr. High school. Back then, Mad was a black and white magazine with NO advertising. Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, and Paul Coker Jr. were my heroes. I probably learned everything I know about making humorous drawings from trying to draw like those guys. Bill Gaines was the publisher of Mad for over 40 years. He had a thing for King Kong (the original) so on his birthday, the artists mounted a huge Kong head outside his office window in New York. It was a great time to work for Mad. On my first trip to NYC I visited the offices of Mad. I got to look into some flat files and see original artwork by Mort Drucker. Fabulous stuff!
Mad seems a lot different to me now. It is on slicker paper, printed in color, and has advertising. Oh well, times change.
Now keeping with the worry theme, as Bobby McFarin says... "Don't worry, be HAPPY!"
(I wish I could link up with that song somehow)