Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Must see TV!
Monday, October 13, 2008

My personal challenge is to take the Illustration Friday word, combine it with SocMo, throw in his presidential campaign and see if I can squeeze an idea out of it. Sometimes it is easy... but usually it isn't. When I am having trouble coming up with an idea, I have to remind myself of the advice that Charles Schulz would give. He said after all, cartooning is just drawing funny pictures. So I defaulted back to just drawing a funny picture... and got my idea.
Friday, October 10, 2008
doodle 12

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Star Wars

Monday, October 06, 2008

Since I missed last week on Illustration Friday, I combined the word for last week with this week. A two for one deal!
This month JONESAPALOOZA is THREE years old! In October 2005 I found Illustration Friday and wanted to play along. I created this blog as a place to put my entries. If you would like to see my very first entry just CLICK HERE. I needed a character to use for the word FLOAT, so I used a character based on an old sock monkey I had when I was small. SocMo's looks have changed some since then, but he has appeared in a lot of IF challenges and is now running for President of the U.S. of A.! WOo.
The quality of my Illustration Friday entries is all over the board. Some were well thought out and carefully executed, while others were dashed out in minutes. I have also learned a lot about Photoshop over the last 3 years here. This is where I do some experimenting with Photoshop to see what happens if I do THIS. Some expeirments work out OK, others don't... but I post them all. Even this week I was trying to figure out how to add the letters behind SocMo as an add on after I had finished the illustration. A good little challenge, but I did it!
As a special bonus for SocMo fans, I have now painstakingly gone through 3 years of posts and added some labels. If you go to the side bar and look under LABELS, you will find ALL SocMo postings grouped by years. Click on a year and take a walk down memory lane. Please... SOMEbody do it... or else I have just wasted my entire Sunday afternoon.
Friday, October 03, 2008
doodle 11

Thursday, October 02, 2008
doodle 10

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
doodle 9

I had to illustrate a few proverbs and wise sayings recently. While I was sketching on this one, I thought of this twist on the saying. It has probably been done before... by someone else... but I thought of it all by myself. So there. The sketch was such a mess that I decided to clean it up a bit and add some color. This could be our whole problem... too many birds in the Bush.
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