I HATCHed some dinos recently. I got a request to make five (5) little images of ANYTHING I wanted for the
PackRat game played on Facebook. It is a game of finding and collecting images. The incubation period of hatching these dinos turned out to be a rather long one. The challenge was to make an image that is 64 pixels square. That is pretty small. My first idea was to do some dinosaurs. I have liked dinos ever since I was a little kid. So, while watching some bad TV shows in the evenings, I would sketch dinos and see if I could cram them into a tiny little squares.
Then... I started thinking that maybe birds would be easier to fit in a square. So I started drawing birds. I liked the birds, but on another day I started thinking about marine animals. That would be fun. This is what happens when anything goes. I had a three way tag team wrestling match going for a few days between all of these things. Finally, I came back to my original dinos idea. Dinos rule!

Here is my drawing board with some of the many pages of sketches I did while working on this project. Click on it to see it DINO sized.