In a SURPRISE move, SocMo gave Rudolph the night off and led Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve!
Didn't know SocMo could fly? ...SURPRISE! SocMo's uncle was a flying monkey in the Wizard of Oz. He gave SocMo his flying jacket. I was always both fascinated and frightened by the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz. They may have been scary, but those monkeys sure had some snappy jackets!
Hunh. Who'd a thunk Socmo's jacket was made from reech Coreenthian ledder?
Don't know what to say. Socmo, my gifts better still arrive on time.
PS: Hope you don't mind, I had a spot of fun with our side-by-side names in the Illustration Friday submission listings
Fly Socmo. Fly! I will leave bananas and carrots out this year. Great illo.
Love your sock monkey illos. Very creative thinking applied to the theme.
very nice you're characters is very funny. o/
hohoho, you have discover the secret of santa! Nothing will be the same now
i knew socmo was a stand-up guy!
(...hope his sockfeet don't bump into any rooftops.)
Jeope- I am SO glad you got my reference to that old car commercial! You have a great Ricardo accent there... you made my day!
fivedog-rachelle-awam-isa-catnapping... thanks for the nice comments!
leo... thanks for your enthusiastic comment... but this is a clean site... no four letter words here... sorry
Hey Jonesy-well done. That is one talented and busy monkey. How about I leave a loaf of banana bread out on x-mas night, eh? He might need the energy.
Outstanding. You are one talented chap. Cheers!
Oh, this is adorable, great idea with an excellent results! Mo, Mo, Mo, MERRY CHRISTMAS! (I have two sock monkeys-- a big one and a little one-- in my Christmas decorating, and I thought of SocMo and MiniMo while I was putting them up, heehee!)
Ah, the many lives of Socmo! Is there anything that he can't do?
Oh man! Those wizard of OZ flying monkeys had me hiding under the bed when i was a kid! I fear them about the same amount as I do of Bigfoot (he's real, ya know...). I just realized that Socmo looks like a direct relative of our famed Rally Monkey for the LA Angels!
Good old Socmo - he gets to do the coolest things! I love the Oz flying monkey coat - brilliant! You know, I used to think I was being such a nice mom letting my son stay up on a school night to watch The Wizard of Oz. It wasn't until he was all grown up that he told me how much he hated that movie because he was afraid of the flying monkeys... I'll have to send him a link to Socmo so he knows that some flying monkeys are the good guys!
Jonesy - what can I say... great minds think alike, kinda. ;) Niiiiiice! As usual, I can't wait to see what SocMo gets himself into next week!
HOLLY- SocMo loves banana bread! yum!
MEGAN- be careful of those sock monkeys... some are evil and drink up all your egg nog while you are sleeping.
DOODLESTREET- I can't hide under the bed... I'm afraid of the dust bunnies
CARLA- you were just preparing him for that big, bad, cold, cruel world... good job!
M.B.- nice chin! :o)
Great!! I love it!
Wow, I thought the Herb Socmo Alpert and the Tijuana Brass album cover was the surprise when I checked a couple of days ago. Glad I checked back. Really cool reindeer backing up Socmo the red-nosed sock monkey. You're right, as a kid I was terrified of those little anthropods, but as I grew older my respect for them increased. Anyway, nice illustration.
Oh boy! this is simply fabulous! I love how you develop Socmo week after week. So fun to be back on your blog.
By the way, Happy Christmas to you!
weee! flying socmo! can i fly with you too?
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