SocMo likes to jump into the SEA and pretend that he is SpongeSocMo SquarePants.
Well, the new year is underway! I discovered Illustration Friday at the end of last year, which led me into the wonderful world of BLOGGING. I have found SO many blogs by SO many extremely talented folks... and I keep finding more and more. All of this has inspired me to draw for FUN again, which is something I had just about quit doing. Most of the drawing I have done the last few years was just completing rather dull assignments... which have lots of restrictions and usually NO room for anything fun or creative. It pays the bills, though... and I DO like to eat. :o)
As usual, when I first saw the new I.F. word, SEA, I went... DUHhh... But after it perked a while in the back of my mind, I got an idea. Once I get the idea... I just CAN'T WAIT to get started on it! I can usually find some time over the weekend to do the drawing. Sunday afternoon was the best time to get to work on my idea... but I got distracted reading BLOGS! AAUGH! Some really interesting stuff! I had thought about putting up a little step-by-step on how I do these using photoshop, but since I spent most of my time reading blogs, I ran out of time. Maybe next time.
Thanks to everyone for visiting JONESAPALOOZA and for all the comments. I hope to get something posted each week this year. We will see how it goes. Keep those pencils sharp!