... this NEVER happens to ME :o)
Well, I am back by popular demand. Sorta. Thanks to those who posted a note saying they missed me. Blame it on spring fever, cleaning the garage (a never ending task) and a big dose of the lazies. Your notes encouraged me to go another round...
... and REMEMBER... let's be careful out there....
(Hill Street Blues)
Happens to me, WAY too often. :/ That's a great expression on Soc's face. He's looking right through me. Love the line work, too. Glad your back! ("Cleaning the garage"...yeah, right... : )
THAT is my life! I hate when that happens. I usually have to walk back to where I was to remember! I heard about a study that showed you should study for a test in the same room that you'll take the test! Our brains are fascinating. Enough of that. You're illustrations are always great and this is no exception. Thanks for sharing the joy.
My problem is I forget, then remember, then promise myself to do that next, then forget, remember, promise to do it, forget... I see a pattern here. :o)
Great illustration! Very fun!
thanks for the comments, Paula, Scott and Jeff...
the crazy part is that you usually stop within arm's reach of what ever it was you were after... just can't remember what it was you wanted...
great to have ya back yuor stuff is always great
Happens to me all the time, what a great illo, you really made my day.
I SOLed (snickered out loud) at this Socmo, as usual. I know how you feel. It's tempting to think about leaving. (But who would take care of Socmo if you left? Ever thot about that?
It sure crosses my mind. But, hey, off toward 100 Trowbridge episodes, right? The erudite person that I am, I had never heard the word uffulgent. Where have I been? I looked it up: "radiant splendor; brilliance". Socmo's daddy ain't no dummy, that's for sure.
Oops...I just passed my 50-word comment limit...
Fantastic cartoons here! Love the colours and 'wobbly' lines.
Great illustration - the time to really worry is when you're thinking "Am I getting in the bath or am I getting out??"
Hehe...love socmo's face...great work.
ha ha cute one here!
hehe... I remember what I cannot do... mow the lawn... ? (the other union member needs to put oil in it).... the garage.. uh... *lets forget the garage!* just keep the door closed!
SocMo is delightful... his expression is priceless...
Oh SocMo. come to my arms!
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