I got an e-mail asking about this painting I did a while back. Someone was interested in buying it or a print or something. They have a dog that they play frisbee with and they liked my image. So.... I went to Cafepress and applied the image to some items to see if that would work for them. If you are interested in a disc chasing dog on a T-shirt just check out the products at Jones*Mart. You can be the only one in your town... or state... or continent to have a Disc Doggy shirt. Be unique.
While I was messing around with this image, I realized it would work very well for the Illustration Friday word. It was painted in acrylic on a panel. Thanks for looking, folks!
very nice, color, simple shape, composition...great
this is lovely!
look at him fly!...great illo
This is perfect! Makes me miss my grandmother's dog.
muy, muuy linda! Me encanta su expresion y la textura del dibujo.
I Love it! Fun composition and character!
Haha - I love the expression - just brilliant!
hey cool! This would make an awesome print. I heart rectangular dogs!
Love it! So fun!!
What a crazy critter!
A bit of a different style for you, but I'd know those eyes (and grin) anywhere! Nice piece, Doug!
great looking dog and style...
well done
This is so much fun!
Wow, i like so much! los colores vivos y en movimiento pareciera que volara me encanta!
Ha! Ha! There's no stopping this dog!
Nice! He really has that veeeeerrry happy (and an bit dumb) expression only a dog can have!
Excellent. The box-dog is awesome. Great textures too.
Nice texture and colors. The design for the dog is great. Simply awesome!
I love this piece. Great the look on his face. Also, the simple shapes.
Wonderful design, texture and colour! Great image.
That is one freakin awesome doggie.
Great dog...
Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store
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