Sunday, January 04, 2009

low riders

I was in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning and saw this fellow shuffling along the sidewalk. His odd walk first caught my attention. Then I noticed... is that his pants around his ankles? As I passed him (in my car) I realized that yes, his pants are around his ankles. He had lots of layers on and I was happy to see that he did have on some kind of fleece wear like shorts under the various layers. He stopped to pick up something from the sidewalk and I thought... "OK, now he will realize his pants are down and pull them up while he is down there. Nope. He continued on his way... and stopped once again to pick up something that had fallen out of the pants (around his ankles) but he still did not pull them up.

If wearing your pants low so your underwear is showing makes you cool... then this guy is the ultimate in cool.

Go figure...


Coachdad said...

That is too funny...great drawing as well. I will come here again.

Bill Ross said...

HEY... that was ME! Why didn't you stop and say hello? I would've given you a swig out of my bottle of Resolve.

Doug said...

Resolve... it's not just for breakfast anymore!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! That poor man....