This weekend I flattened some Diet Coke cans and painted on a couple of them. I had seen this done out on the internets somewhere, and I figured I could do it too. Of course I can! I mean, how hard can it be?

Here is SocMo I painted on a can. Check out those blue eyes!

This is a happy carrot guy on a can.

There is a built in hanger on each can! Just put a push pin in the wall and you are ready to hang one. Sooooo easy!
One can be yours for only $30, (a steal) which includes shipping. Just contact me if you are interested. My email address is found in my profile.... doncha know...
Uhm...$30 Canadian...?
Oh...And I'd definetly go with the Socmo painted flat-can. As cute as the carrot is, Socmo's your signiture character.
(I used a dif way to write my name so it'd look like you got a comment from someone else. Shhhh...)
nope, none of that Canadian money. Only US dollars... or some pretty beads...
hey, maybe you could post a few more comments and make it look like there is some interest here... eh?
Socmo on can! Yeah!!!
I just showed your cartoon cans to Jacquie. What a cool idea. I wonder if this was your brain child or if you saw the idea somewhere else.
you are a nut! i love 'em, and Socmo ON the can instead of IN the can makes lovely art! maybe Socmo in the can painted on the can would sell for $40! ; ) (are you charging a deposit, too?)
a : )
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