Chewbacca and SocMo save a lot of money on clothing since they both get by with wearing their birthday SUITS!
I watched a program about the making of Star Wars recently. I thought it was funny to hear that studio executives sat around and actually debated whether or not the Wookiee should wear pants in the movie. We can't show nekkid Wookiees, can we? I guess that is what SUITS do. They have no imagination. They count beans and make deals and have meetings in conference rooms. I'm glad George Lucas was able to stick to his guns and make his movie.
So... I bought a new sketchbook this weekend that is full of brown recycled paper. I had visions of white pencil showing up on it for highlights and such. I gave it a try on this and it works... sort of...
daffy duck was always without his pants. hehehe
i remember as a little girl in nebraska, every january, the teachers would hand out blue (bluish-grey) construction paper and white crayons. and we would draw pictures of winter.
i love white on brown.
i love chewy.
and i'm crazy about socmo.
Nice effect with the white. I think this looks great on the brown paper. SocMo is gorgeous, as always.
socmo is awsome great illo
I agree. The drawing does look great on the brown paper. Nice! I like your Chewy, too, though he does have this look like he's contemplating making a snack out of Socmo! And, of course, Soc is oblivious. Hee!
Real cuties, the lot of them. It would be a shame to force them into wearing another suit.
as always, you made me smile. love socmo!
I'm lovin' the new brown sketchbook paper background :) The Chewy is awesome and SocMo is oh so inocent :)
OMG! I'm on your cool blogs list. What an honor!!!!! Thanks Doug, yer cool too.
Excellent work, but all this talk of birthday suits makes me nervous.
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