I don't have cable TV... but a while back I discovered that my local library has DVDs of some of the earlier seasons of MONK. I checked out a DVD, watched a few episodes, and became a fan! All of the characters on the show are so good. Last night as I was watching a show from season four I had my pencil and paper with me, so decided to try to draw my version of Mr. Monk. Annnnnnnd... here he is. Anybody else a MONK fan? Does this look like MR. MONK?
Yeah. Looks like him. Also looks a bit like Ronald Reagan from the nose to the chin. It's kinda odd no to see a big grin on a character of yours (or is that "your's"?)! And, no, I haven't watched "Monk", but hear it is/was very good. Too many good TV shows, not enough time to invest. "Monk" gets the Socmo seal of approvement! So..Much work..? Sub-zero here. Brrr!
I disagree with the too many good TV shows statement. On my TV there are too many BAD TV shows. YouTube is much more entertaining these days. Monk is fun, though. Almost good enough to get me to take cable.
.... and Brrrr right back at you... it got in the 20's this week and I actually had to put on a winter coat for the first time this year! Boo...
Oh, boo hoo for you! We rejoice when it warms UP to the 20's F! Hee!
Well, yeah, there are a plethora of BAD shows, but there are several purportedly "good" shows that I chose not to invest in for lack of time (e.g. House, Bones...I know there're more but I can't think of 'em). What are you watching on YouTube, btw? My husband's been finding stuff there, too, mostly UK shows like, "The IT Crowd". Fill me in, please!
I am an on-again-off-again fan of Monk. It's a great show. I think you've really captured something here. Very cool.
Monk is one of my favorite shows. Love your sketch! Although I'm not sure Monk would, the lines are uneven.
C.A.L.I.M. - I just surf around on YouTube... random stuff... no programs that I watch. Didn't know there were programs there...
sketched out... thanks!
cedric... you are RIGHT! This is MUCH too messy for Mr Monk to like... :0)
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