I am readin’ through the Bible in 2008 with my One Year Bible. Genesis always gets me off to a good start. Lots of fun stuff happens there. Each time I have done this in the past, I have always ended up with lots of questions.
This time I was reading about the serpent talking Eve into eating that yummy fruit thing… whatever it was. Then it occurred to me that Eve did not find it unusual to be talking to a snake. She never said, “Hey… snakes can’t talk… shut yo' mouth and get outta here!” So I was thinking that maybe ALL the animals talked. That would explain why a talking snake was not unusual. So if all the animals were talking to each other, it was like the first Disneyland! Maybe this is where old Walt got his inspiration.
THAT is the most interesting insight I've ever heard on the Genesis story. I'm putting a link to this on my blog ~ www.the-bing-blog.blogspot.com
Love your illustrations!
I love peeking into your sketches :)
I never thought about that, hmmm.... maybe it will be like that during the Millenial Kingdom...that would be awesome :)
Bing- thanks!
geninne- It would be cool to talk to all of your bird friends, wouldn't it? :0)
Hmm, I've wondered why she wasnt like "WOAH! A TALKING SNAKE!!!" too. Maybe that's where CS Lewis got his Narnia idea too...
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