"LOOK... down in the ocean... it's a FISH, it's a SUB... NO, it's SHARKman... with his faithful sidekick GuppyBoy!"
Yep, day 2 of SHARKweek is in gear! And what could be better than a SuperHero? Sharkman is an awesome crime fighter. He was bitten by a radioactive shark while visiting an aquarium, and developed his Sharky sense. When he finds bad guys in the act, he CHOMPS them... eats them right up. This saves taxpayers thousands of dollars in legal fees and court costs in prosecuting criminals. Lawyers hate Sharkman.
You are out of control with productivity! Wish you could put that in a CAN, I would buy lots of it.
I don't read much... gives me extra time...
And I was just thinking we needed an more economical and efficient way to deal with executions. Leave it to DoUg to create---Sharkman!
...I like sharkweek. I'd like to play sometime. Maybe Bill would, too. I'm just sayin'...
The more the merrier... all you gotta do is put a shark on your blog...
I was getting some exercise at the "Y" at lunchtime today and passed a couple of people in the hall. As I walked by I heard them talking about sharks. So I just KNOW they were referring to JONESAPALOOZA SHARKweek! It is famous throughout the world and Canada!
Of COURSE they were! 8-| Du Du...Du Du...
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