Friday, December 17, 2010
you've got MAIL!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
feed the dog

I have been too busy lately to feed the dog. Wait, I don't have a dog. But if I did, he would be wearing his bowl on his head and kicking my door like Snoopy.
First our gas range died. We have been cooking with an electric skillet. Our refrigerator is half dead. The freezer doesn't freeze anymore. Then our central heat and air unit died. I think it is a conspiracy. The HVAC was confusing. Too many choices and opinions about brands and sizes paralyzed us for a while. We finally decided on one. I am so thankful to have heat right now.
After the HVAC was taken care of, we then focused on replacing the stove and fridge. The day before they were to be delivered, the water heater in the garage sprung a leak and died. I tell you, it's a conspiracy. So we got the plumber who installed the new water heater to connect the gas stove while he was here. Now we have a stove to cook on, a fridge with a freezer, hot water, and heat in the house. Yay! I have learned to appreciate things I have been taking for granted for so long... like hot water.
Then yesterday, the phone quit working.
Murphey's Law is alive and well.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010
Halloween countdown 6

Thursday, October 28, 2010

To see my Halloween countdown CLICK HERE
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Halloween countdown 3

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Halloween countdown 1

Monday, October 11, 2010
Southern Festival of Books

He grew up with 5 brothers and no sisters. At one point he was studying to become a doctor, but realized that although he liked the science part of medicine, he found that sick people "weirded" him out.
He got a masters degree in fiction writing which, he said, qualified him to paint apartments in New York. After a few years of painting apartments he decided that there had to be something better.
He found a teaching job in an elementary school in NYC and taught second grade along with some other grades for eight years. He decided to write for children and The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs was the first book he got published. After many publishers told him it was "too dark, too sophisticated, and don't come back" he finally found a publisher that liked it. It has now sold over 13 million copies.
Jon was so entertaining and fun to listen to. He is the kind of guy you want to have as a buddy and hang out with. I really enjoyed him.

I think that is the problem with my career. I have never lived in Brooklyn. It seems everyone I like has lived there.
I also got to watch a screening of the new documentary "Library of the Early Mind" Click on the link above to see the trailer.
Thursday, October 07, 2010

If you are an opossum, it's not beneath you to eat garbage.
I only had time to quickly pencil out something and throw on a little Photoshop color. But I did have fun playing with the brushes and layers in Photoshop. Wish I had more time for a little better finish to this picture. Oh, well... Maybe next week I can get something done before Thursday.
Yeah, right.
I did catch a possum in a live trap recently in my yard. I had some leftovers in it as bait. I thought I was going to catch yet another skunk, which are digging up my yard. My count to date is 7 skunks caught and one possum. I let the critter go and he scampered off to find some nice gar-BAHzh at someone else's house.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
ABC book cover

Last weekend I attended the Mid South SCBWI conference. There was a contest that attending illustrators could enter. It got down to the week of the conference before I finally got a little time to put together this book cover. One of the options for the contest was to create a 10x10 cover with the letters ABC as part of the art.
I thought it would be fun to try something a bit different, so I cut all of the shapes for the illustration out of black paper.

I seem to gravitate toward making things simple and fun. But alas, simple and fun does not win against incredibly well rendered illustrations. The winning pieces were really nice. Congrats to all.
Now, where did I leave that box of Kleenex?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Old Fashioned

Later there was Maxwell Smart. The spy from Control who talked into his shoe phone. A bit awkward for sure, but nevertheless a portable phone. He did have to dial it... but still... this was technology only a spy could have.
Today everyone takes phones for granted. Leave home without your phone and you feel nekkid!
Except for me. I still use tin cans with string.
Just call me old fashioned.
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Fantasy Football

This week marked the first step in the Fantasy Football league I have joined. Before you stop reading... let me tell you about our league. It is AWFFL, which stands for Another Worthless Fantasy Football League. And it IS awful... awful fun! It is a family affair. All the other league members are related to me. There are brothers, nephews, kids... and the wife of a nephew. We run the gamut from those who have followed the NFL for decades... to those who have never watched a game.
Our league has two Divisions. The Bipolar Division and the Dementia Division. I am glad I was assigned to one of the Divisions, because I could have never chosen between the two.
The teams include such fearsome names as the High Plains Drifters, the Wild Weasels, the Phlegm, the Chinese Bandits... and my team... the Poodle Walkin' Sissies. If perchance the planets all align one week, and my hapless team actually wins a game, I want the looser to have to tell their friends that they lost to the Poodle Walkin' Sissies.
AHhhh...THAT will be so GOOOD! Highly unlikely... but it would be so GOOOD!
The first game is now in the record books. The POODLES limped to their locker room with their tails between their legs after a bitter loss. After a round of Purina Poodle Chow, some Perrier water and some hot tubbin', the Poodles are ready for week two.
Next week we meet the PHLEGM. Hope we don't get slimed.
Stay tuned.
Friday, September 03, 2010

Thursday, September 02, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's is hard for me to imagine being cold right now. The temperature here has not been out of the nineties since June. The weather man is talking about it getting down to the eighties this week. Woo, I'd better go find my jacket.
This was an assignment I did recently. Maybe it helps you to feel cool if you are drawing cold folks trying to keep warm. That is the crazy part of being an illustrator. You always seem to be six months off. I can't wait till Christmas when I will be drawing people on the beach soaking up the sun.
Monday, August 09, 2010
puzzle time

Here are a couple of things I did recently that look a bit different from the other things I post here. These were done for the preschool set. And for the next group above the preschool set. Them little folks, small fries, crumb crunchers...
This is the old "Spot 10 things that are different in the two pictures" puzzle. Every time I do one of these I sing praises to the computer, Photoshop, and digital art. Otherwise, I would have to completely draw and color two pictures with slight differences. But now... now I can just duplicate one, change a few things, and I'm good to go. One of the few times digital art is actually quicker.
Oh... I didn't post the altered pictures here. I knew it would just be too hard for you to find the differences. I didn't want to get you all frustrated and wreck your day.
You're welcome.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Shark Week3

What I DID do yesterday was repair my gas oven. A first for me. Thanks to the internets, we were able to diagnose why the oven was not working and then order a replacement part. The part (an ignitor) came yesterday and I put it on. This morning we had muffins to test it out. It really feels great when I can fix something myself.
Temperature today is to hit 100 degrees.... again... sheesh!
Give me a break....
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Shark Week2

Here is a shark that I did recently for an assignment. Not sure I would want a shark to be a lifeguared... but I draw what I am told. Usually.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Shark Week

It's SHARK WEEK on Discovery Channel. For the last three years I have drawn a few sharks during this week. So this year, instead of a pig with a banjo I have a Shark with a banjo. The pig ran away. You know pigs are tasty, but banjos are fun. So fun won out over the awesomeness of bacon this time.
I found some Photoshop brushes online and tried out a chalk brush on this. It did a great job of making that chalky texture, but I need more practice to get a handle on the thing.
Happy Shark Week!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Harry Porker

Where did my idea come from? Read on.
I remember reading that when Sparky Schulz was stumped for an idea for Peanuts, he would go back to basics. As he said, cartooning is just making funny pictures. So he would doodle funny pictures of his characters.
With that in mind, I thought a pig riding a banjo would look funny. After a quick sketch, my pig looked like he was on a flying banjo. Hmmm... if witches fly on brooms, a pig could fly on a banjo, right? Makes sense to me. Hey! Harry Potter flew on a broom, too! That would be fun to work into the drawing. But wait! By changing two letters, Harry Potter could become Harry PORKER! So faster than you can say Huggle-Muggle, I had a Harry Porker on a flying banjo... (a Scruggs 2000)
Friday, June 04, 2010
Thursday, June 03, 2010
banjo pig

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
the Letter
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Nashville flood poster

My son, Kyle, has designed a great poster that will support flood relief in Nashville. You can click HERE and buy one. Don't be shy... Nashville needs your help.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Angel vs donkey
the sketch

the final art
I recently made this illustration for a magazine article. The segment I illustrated was a brief story about a donkey in a Christmas pageant that saw the spotlit angel in the balcony. The donkey HEE-HAWED and sat down to the delight of the audience.
As I was creating the pink fog in the balcony on a Photoshop layer, I was ever so thankful for digital art. I'm not sure how I would have handled painting the fog with watercolors like I used to do. It took a bit of experimentation to get the effect using the brush tool and low opacity, but the beauty is I could try over and over till I got something I liked. Yay for digital art!

the final art

As I was creating the pink fog in the balcony on a Photoshop layer, I was ever so thankful for digital art. I'm not sure how I would have handled painting the fog with watercolors like I used to do. It took a bit of experimentation to get the effect using the brush tool and low opacity, but the beauty is I could try over and over till I got something I liked. Yay for digital art!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Postcard art
I just finished up some art for a postcard ad and thought I would share it with you.
The assignment was a frazzled teacher with three kids running amuck. Don't you love the word "amuck?" Try to slip it in your conversation today when you are talking with someone. This was the first sketch I submitted. It didn't fly... the teacher looked too old. Oh, well...
Sketch 2wo went over better. So, maybe I should have done this one first. Mental note to self: Send second sketch first next time...
Here is the final image with lots of bright colors as requested, a twist of lime and a dash of Tabasco.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Pet Shop

Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Pet Shop collection
Friday, April 02, 2010
printed books
Now that I have told you all about illustrating the little educational books, I will show you the most recent copies I have received. *Drumroll*... aaaand here they are!
And here is a peek inside.
And now my next hurdle is to fight the Federal Taxes battle. Time to fire up TurboTax and chew on a few pencils... sigh...

And now my next hurdle is to fight the Federal Taxes battle. Time to fire up TurboTax and chew on a few pencils... sigh...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
book project - color
Well, I'm back from Argentina now and ready to 'splain the rest of this project to you. Argentina is very nice this time of the year and actually resembles my studio. In fact, it is EXACTLY like my studio.
When I took on the assignment of illustrating 3 books at the same time, I vastly underestimated the amount of work that was going to be. OY! So for the last month I have been working 12 hour days (8am-8pm) including weekends. OY, OY!
But the good news is, it is now finished! WOOT! While I am catching my breath, I will complete the process for you.

This is the scan of my inked page. It is scanned in at 300 dpi and 100% actual size.

Here is a detail shot of the mom and baby guppy. You can see my wobbly line work and see that all lines are touching... no gaps anywhere. This is important for me in quickly applying the color. Shapes that are not enclosed can be closed up and colored later, but it takes more time... and time is a very valuable thing on this project.

So, here we are. The finished illustration. The client always wants lots of bright colors for younger kids. So I stick to clean, bright colors and dump them in with the paintbucket in Photoshop. Bam, Bam, Bam! It is so quick. If I had to "paint" in all of the colors it would probably double the amount of time it would take to color these... and I don't have that time.
Once I have applied the flat colors I go back and do some actual painting. Like on the eggs. I think if I do a little bit of this here and there It helps add some variety and keeps everything from being so flat looking. I selected the blue of the water and ran a paint brush through it to give some variety there too. "A little dab will do ya" is my thinking. I don't like illustrations where everything has that airbrushed look, but a bit of softness here and there helps. I also change the black line to color on some things which makes the black lines on the main characters pop out more.
If you are interested in the nitty gritty of how I color in Photoshop, just go over to my sidebar and under LABELS click on Photoshop tutorial. This is a step by step of how I do it. I have a newer version of Photoshop now but the process is basically the same.
Well, that's it! I am glad to finally get this project and my blogging about it all wrapped up.
Oh... and I changed the title on this blog. Did you notice? What do you think of the new improved header?
When I took on the assignment of illustrating 3 books at the same time, I vastly underestimated the amount of work that was going to be. OY! So for the last month I have been working 12 hour days (8am-8pm) including weekends. OY, OY!
But the good news is, it is now finished! WOOT! While I am catching my breath, I will complete the process for you.

This is the scan of my inked page. It is scanned in at 300 dpi and 100% actual size.

Here is a detail shot of the mom and baby guppy. You can see my wobbly line work and see that all lines are touching... no gaps anywhere. This is important for me in quickly applying the color. Shapes that are not enclosed can be closed up and colored later, but it takes more time... and time is a very valuable thing on this project.

So, here we are. The finished illustration. The client always wants lots of bright colors for younger kids. So I stick to clean, bright colors and dump them in with the paintbucket in Photoshop. Bam, Bam, Bam! It is so quick. If I had to "paint" in all of the colors it would probably double the amount of time it would take to color these... and I don't have that time.
Once I have applied the flat colors I go back and do some actual painting. Like on the eggs. I think if I do a little bit of this here and there It helps add some variety and keeps everything from being so flat looking. I selected the blue of the water and ran a paint brush through it to give some variety there too. "A little dab will do ya" is my thinking. I don't like illustrations where everything has that airbrushed look, but a bit of softness here and there helps. I also change the black line to color on some things which makes the black lines on the main characters pop out more.
If you are interested in the nitty gritty of how I color in Photoshop, just go over to my sidebar and under LABELS click on Photoshop tutorial. This is a step by step of how I do it. I have a newer version of Photoshop now but the process is basically the same.
Well, that's it! I am glad to finally get this project and my blogging about it all wrapped up.
Oh... and I changed the title on this blog. Did you notice? What do you think of the new improved header?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
book project - inking
I know what you are thinking. You think I forgot all about promising to come back and tell you about the next step of my book project. After all, that was a month ago. You think I am off hiking the Appalachian Trail in Argentina or something... WRONG! The fact is I have three of these books to illustrate and I have been working furiously to get the other two penciled in. I finally did, and now I am able to get to the inking phase of this book.
Here is my editor approved, 100% full size sketch with revisions and extra cheese. I put a sheet of Clearprint Design Vellum over it to do my inking on. In olden days of yesteryear, I used to trace the sketch onto watercolor paper with a lightbox so I could ink it and color it with watercolor. Now I can skip one whole time consuming step by going right to the inking stage on the vellum. At this point I can still make slight adjustments in the placement of things by just moving the vellum a bit to put the object in a slightly different position. The tweaking never ends...
Here are my archaic tools. I found this old ink bottle holder many years ago. It keeps my ink bottle from sliding off my drawing board. I don't like the narrow openings on most ink bottles so I found this little bottle with a wide mouth that I fit into the holder. A few rounds of duct tape helped it to fit in the hole better. Duct tape just makes everything better doesn't it? I have tried different pen points, but seem to just like the basic #102 crowquill available at any art store. And there is the little piece of paper where I test the ink to make sure it is flowing before I put the point on the REAL thing.
Here I am pretending to be inking, but I'm really just holding my pen while I fumble around with my camera in my left hand and try to take a picture. I have spent a large part of my life influenced by and imitating comic strips and editorial cartoons. I love the line work of many artists from Ronald Searle to Walt Kelly to Jeff MacNelly to Bill Watterson to Charles Schulz... the list goes on and on. I seem to be addicted to the black line. And I like the feel of drawing on real paper and inking with a real dip pen. I may end up doing all this digitally someday... SOMEday... but not today. Today I will get actual ink on my actual fingers. And it ain't easy to get that stuff off, believe me!
OK, now I have to get the linework into my computer and my Epson scanner does this for me. 80% of all the illustration I do fits on the basic 8.5 x 11 inch vellum and I can scan it. About 20% of the time I have a larger illustration and have to scan it in sections and stitch it together in Photoshop. Once I have scanned in the inked drawing, I can clean it up in Photoshop with the eraser. I usually end up dragging my finger through the wet ink somewhere and Photoshop has saved me thousands of dollars that I would have spent buying white out paint.
Oh, if you happened to miss out on the first installments of this project, just click on "book project" over on the side bar and you will be up to speed in no time. chop chop
Well, now we are all ready to color this piece. I will post something about that soon. But first... I need to go to Argentina and do some hiking.

Oh, if you happened to miss out on the first installments of this project, just click on "book project" over on the side bar and you will be up to speed in no time. chop chop
Well, now we are all ready to color this piece. I will post something about that soon. But first... I need to go to Argentina and do some hiking.
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