I have a job that I have just started where I have to draw 100 animals doing various things for a 100 day flip chart. I have never drawn 100 of ANYthing before. The deadline is looming and I just started the job. I am a bit concerned that I won't get the sketches done on time. So I took my sketchbook (with brown recycled paper in it) and my new pen to the quiet library and spent a day doodling each of the animals for the chart. Really quick doodles just to get an idea of what each is doing. I think I will try posting these guys as I do them. So come back each day and you can DISCOVER what new animals are appearing here.
Click on the JONESAPALOOZA link on the sidebar to see what I have done so far.
I like the sketches and the picture of your sketches is great idea
I remember discovering Microns (pens) on bristol board. I didnt give up on that technique until I learned how to use the Wacom Tablet...
Great pens, by the way- I hope you enjoy them.
franfou... thanks!
david... I'm still old school when it comes to drawing... but I DO have a wacom tablet... maybe some day I'll try drawing on it...
Love discovering new pens (don't have a wacom or know the first thing on how to use it, maybe someday?). Your sketches and the animal characters are so great, you have a wonderful humorous style.
Love your doodles, and I love using sketchbooks that have toned paper, everything always looks just a little bit more finished on those.
Merci for the poop on the pen. Next time at the art store I'll see if they've got some and try one out. Good luck with the 100 animals job! Sounds like fun, really!
jo... thanks!
tina... for some reason this brown speckled paper is not as scary as white paper
pj... sounds like fun, eh? It's the quantity and deadline that make my tummy queasy... :o)
Thanks for the notes on the new pen. I'm always trying out new pens and pencils to find my absolute favorite. Can't wait to see the rest of the animals.
Excellent Discovery!!
Nice work in your new book.
I dig the pen but what kind of sketchbook is that?
Best of luck with all of those characters. I will be sure to check back to see them.
the sketchbook is made by CACHET. Is is made of recycled paper and is a light brown, speckled paper. The cool thing is you can use a white colored pencil on it for light tones.
great animals' expressions...the dragonfly nails it for me - cool pen and really love the dark paper idea - I'll have to try it now!
I just purchased some pens, upon realizing that drawing in Photoshop, with a mouse, is not going to work (can't afford a Wacom yet)!!
I don't think I've ever drawn 100 of anything, either- unless you count toilet details! ;P
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