What's that you say? You haven't seen SocMo in any of the primaries? Well, SocMo has been traveling from primary to primary in his SocMo for President hot air balloon. Unfortunately, this has been a huge tactical error. He arrives in each state about 2 weeks late for the voting. He only has a few minutes to shake two or three hands, kiss a dog, and restock his supply of Fritos and Dr. Pepper for the next flight.
Keep your eyes peeled... he may be fllying over your state right now!
Of course! CHOOSE Sockmo for Prez! But I wonder...Who's pulling his strings...?
And, hey...I might have seen his balloon headed south...to Mexico! Is that possible?
if you found Frito crumbs falling from the sky as something passed over Texas.... that was SocMo!
absolutely!! perhaps his first action in office could be to give everyone one of those knitted caps, they're so cute! cute and clever doug!
a : )
from the weather reports on TV today, I think I could sell a lot of hats in Chicago! Any temp below ZERO is WAY too cold! HO CHEE MAMA!
That's a candidate I could get behind.
but not too close... he eats lots of bananas :0)
Best of luck on your campaign!
I'd vote for Socmo before I would some of the other candidates. I like the color in the gradated background.
Falling Fritos...? : P
Below zero's okay if the winds not blowing. Take it from me.
Does Soc have a running mate?
Socmo rules!
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