I know it may not look like much, but I struggled for about 2.5 hours in making this. The learning curve for me is very steep. I feel like I am groping around in the dark. I tried something different this week in making the image. I used the pen tool. It worked really well for me. With a lot more practice I think I could get the hang of this.
While thinking of the word CAPTAIN, I remembered a movie I liked a lot. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is a fun sci-fi adventure film that came out in 2004. It was created on a bunch of Macs. If you like action/adventure films... check this one out. It has some great flying machines and robots. There is nothing better than flying machines and robots!
Oh... you can click on the Captain to see what he is like on steroids.
cptn kangaroo! i remember him, and mr. green jeans, and that crazy carrot stealing bunny...
this is really nice, jones! you are being way too hard on yourself for 2.5 hrs of good work - psd drawing is a constant "learning curve" a great one, to have under your belt, but absolutely worth the journey.
he looks GREAT! :)
Hey Cap' Kangaroo! He was who the pre-Sesame Street viewers watched (that's me...old me). Dancing Bear's nose always confused me. I thought it was his mouth. Anyway, look at you going to town with PS! I am no help so I can only admire what you're doing. But I can say it's looking kind of Staak-ish.
PS: Your comment (re: Digital Scott's duck tape) had me laughing--Hard! Thanks for that!
PS-2: What's going on with the animal series? Will we see finished art?
This is great...I liked the moose and the ping pong balls...and the dancing bear, oy I'm old.
I remember the Captain. His show and Romper Room were my favs when I was a kid. Great job in Photoshop.
Here's another ancient poster who appreciates your take on Captain K! You really captured him - I like the texture you added to it. Thanks for bringing back the memories.
how lovely!
You totally nailed his bowl cut too. I don't know if anyone remembers picture pages with Bill Cosby which was a short segment that was tied into all of that. Oh man, I LOVED Captain Kangaroo. Great job
Wonderful stuff!
I found this week's word utterly uninspiring. I considered Captian Kangroo. I'm old too. Captian Kirk. Hadn't thought about Sky Captian, but I love it. Beautifully done.
I should probably stop talking now, but I must confess it's nice to see you post work that is not always stellar! It makes me feel better. I'm shallow that way, and rotten at the core.
Love stopping by here!
I love this style it's so clean and fun. The time you are investing in Photoshop is well worth it!
OMG I remember him too, and mr. green jeans! i think your digital captain is stellar!
I just knew someone else would do Captain Kangaroo. It also appears there are many 'old-timers' on IF. Can't believe I just referred to myself as an old-timer.
Does anyone remember the Kelloggs ad where the train would pull up and pour milk on the Kelloggs cereal?
I also was confused by Dancing Bear's nose-mouth. I remember the Captain reading 'Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel' and 'Caps for Sale' to us.
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