It has been a while since I have posted anything here, so I grabbed this little sketch, added some tone to it and PRESTO! ...something to post!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Christmas card
Ho, Ho, Ho... it's that time of the year again. Time for me to send out my home made but professionally printed Christmas cards. I have a few extra cards laying around this year and I could be separated from one of them and send it your way.
If you want one, just email me your mailing address and the eager snails at the US post office will be off... through rain, sleet, and snow to deliver one to your house... or hovel. What a deal! Offer good while supplies last and is good only in the United States. Sorry Nigeria, but rules are rules, and I'm still waiting to collect those millions of dollars you promised me...
If you want one, just email me your mailing address and the eager snails at the US post office will be off... through rain, sleet, and snow to deliver one to your house... or hovel. What a deal! Offer good while supplies last and is good only in the United States. Sorry Nigeria, but rules are rules, and I'm still waiting to collect those millions of dollars you promised me...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday sale
Round things for sale!
So... I keep hearing the words Black Friday over and over these days. I was thinking about when all this Black Friday stuff started. Then I remembered that Robinson Crusoe had a man Friday... and I got this idea. The first Black Friday sale! My plan is to try to avoid all stores on Friday, and maybe go see the new Muppet movie instead.
Monday, November 21, 2011
What's in your pocket?
This is an image I recently completed that is part of a job which will ultimately be used by Bic. As I told them, I have carried a black Bic ballpoint pen in my pocket for most of my adult life. I never go anywhere without it. It is right there next to my car keys... in the same pocket... along with my mini-Swiss Army knife. This accounts for how it looks when I pull it out to use. My keys tend to chew up the pen. I feel like apologizing sometimes when I pull it out. It looks like a dog has been using it for a chew toy for a month or so. Anyway, it was kinda fun to do something for a product that has been a part of me for so long.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
How to get rich quick
If you have gold in your teeth... sleep lightly. A scary thought, eh? This is a spot illustration I completed recently for a youth publication.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Scary Frankenstein
When I was a kid, I made a lot of plastic models. Model cars, customized hot rods, and some scary Famous Monsters of filmland. I assembled and painted a Frankenstein, Mummy, Dracula and Creature from the Black Lagoon. I can't believe it is almost Halloween and I have not posted anything scary yet. So here you go, my version of Frankenstein... with a not too scary smile.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tintin - the movie!
Tintin's little brother Ninenine.
I think I discovered Tintin books decades ago while poking around in some bookstore (a favorite activity that is getting harder and harder to do these days). I immediately liked the clean drawing style, detailed backgrounds and the adventures Tintin got involved in. I never dreamed that someday it would be a movie.
Now Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are bringing Tintin to the big screen. The movie trailer looks pretty good. I am just hoping that the motion capture stays cartoony and does not get into the uncanny valley like the Polar Express did. It was just creepy.
I have been re-reading some Tintin adventures lately to reacquaint myself with the characters. I also found some interesting things on Youtube about the creator Herge. There is a very enlightening documentary about Herge that was on P.O.V. a few years ago. If you are a fan, I would recommend watching it. You can find it by clicking here.
I thought it would be fun to make a younger version of Tintin. Then I decided to try a filter to give it a comic book look. So here you go... Tintin's younger brother Ninenine.
I think I discovered Tintin books decades ago while poking around in some bookstore (a favorite activity that is getting harder and harder to do these days). I immediately liked the clean drawing style, detailed backgrounds and the adventures Tintin got involved in. I never dreamed that someday it would be a movie.
Now Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are bringing Tintin to the big screen. The movie trailer looks pretty good. I am just hoping that the motion capture stays cartoony and does not get into the uncanny valley like the Polar Express did. It was just creepy.
I have been re-reading some Tintin adventures lately to reacquaint myself with the characters. I also found some interesting things on Youtube about the creator Herge. There is a very enlightening documentary about Herge that was on P.O.V. a few years ago. If you are a fan, I would recommend watching it. You can find it by clicking here.
I thought it would be fun to make a younger version of Tintin. Then I decided to try a filter to give it a comic book look. So here you go... Tintin's younger brother Ninenine.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Poodles take Dive
(clicken to enlargen)
Keeping the Fantasy in Fantasy Football.
Week 5 in the AWFFL fantasy football league. The fabulously wealthy but winless 0-4 Aziz Ansari have their first win of the season against the Penultimate Poodles... who suddenly are rolling in tons of cash.
Connect the dots. It's pretty easy.
When asked about integrity, the Poodles replied, "Integrity is something we can buy with lots of cash... but first we are going to build a new pink clubhouse with a hot yoga studio and a Mr. Smoothie bar."
In spite of this loss, the Poodles are in a 3 way tie for first place in the Bipolar Division.
Next game puts the Poodles up against the Tight-Jean Juggernauts of the Dementia Division.
Keeping the Fantasy in Fantasy Football.
Week 5 in the AWFFL fantasy football league. The fabulously wealthy but winless 0-4 Aziz Ansari have their first win of the season against the Penultimate Poodles... who suddenly are rolling in tons of cash.
Connect the dots. It's pretty easy.
When asked about integrity, the Poodles replied, "Integrity is something we can buy with lots of cash... but first we are going to build a new pink clubhouse with a hot yoga studio and a Mr. Smoothie bar."
In spite of this loss, the Poodles are in a 3 way tie for first place in the Bipolar Division.
Next game puts the Poodles up against the Tight-Jean Juggernauts of the Dementia Division.
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Poodles squash Mashers
(clicketh upon yon image to supersizeth it)
Keeping the Fantasy in Fantasy Football.
Week 4 in the AWFFL fantasy football league. The Penultimate Poodles traveled to Mashachusetts, home of the 3-0 league leading Mashers for this week's game. The huge blue Masher Stadium was filled with Masher fanatics. The Masherettes led the crowd from the sidelines as they chanted "Mash-em Up, Mash-em Up, Mash!, Mash!, Mash!" The Poodles were so intimidated they had to spend an extra 20 minutes in the Downward Dog yoga pose to calm their nerves.
The game was hard fought. Many manicured toenails were scuffed and some even broken! The Poodle's hairspray gave out in the 3rd quarter and morale was at a low. But then, rallying at the sound of the 2 minute warning, the Poodles pulled together for one last campaign. As the ball was snapped, Percy Poodle screamed, "Shoe's untied!" The entire Masher defense said, "Huh?" and started looking down at their feet.
The Poods then crammed the ball into their Indiana Jones satchel and sprinted for the goal line. Upon seeing they had been fooled, the Mashers released their Boulder of Death. As the gigantic Masher ball bore down on them, the Poods zigged and zagged and fought their way through the cobwebs as the goal line grew near. All would have been lost... but the Pood's trainer had made sure his team was wearing the proper footwear for Masher Stadium. Jimmy Choo pink cleats. With this extra edge, the Poods crossed the goal line to victory!
The Poodles had done what no other team had done up to this point... beat the Mashers. There was much rejoicing in the Poodle clubhouse as cans of hairspray were dispensed, Perrier flowed like... uh, water, and complimentary manicures were done for all.
Keeping the Fantasy in Fantasy Football.
Week 4 in the AWFFL fantasy football league. The Penultimate Poodles traveled to Mashachusetts, home of the 3-0 league leading Mashers for this week's game. The huge blue Masher Stadium was filled with Masher fanatics. The Masherettes led the crowd from the sidelines as they chanted "Mash-em Up, Mash-em Up, Mash!, Mash!, Mash!" The Poodles were so intimidated they had to spend an extra 20 minutes in the Downward Dog yoga pose to calm their nerves.
The game was hard fought. Many manicured toenails were scuffed and some even broken! The Poodle's hairspray gave out in the 3rd quarter and morale was at a low. But then, rallying at the sound of the 2 minute warning, the Poodles pulled together for one last campaign. As the ball was snapped, Percy Poodle screamed, "Shoe's untied!" The entire Masher defense said, "Huh?" and started looking down at their feet.
The Poods then crammed the ball into their Indiana Jones satchel and sprinted for the goal line. Upon seeing they had been fooled, the Mashers released their Boulder of Death. As the gigantic Masher ball bore down on them, the Poods zigged and zagged and fought their way through the cobwebs as the goal line grew near. All would have been lost... but the Pood's trainer had made sure his team was wearing the proper footwear for Masher Stadium. Jimmy Choo pink cleats. With this extra edge, the Poods crossed the goal line to victory!
The Poodles had done what no other team had done up to this point... beat the Mashers. There was much rejoicing in the Poodle clubhouse as cans of hairspray were dispensed, Perrier flowed like... uh, water, and complimentary manicures were done for all.
Monday, October 03, 2011
(click upon yon image to enlargen)
I took the Illustration Friday prompt word "hibernate" and tried something a little different this time. I got rid of the black lines that I usually have in my work, and tried to use shape and color to define things. Hope you like it!
I took the Illustration Friday prompt word "hibernate" and tried something a little different this time. I got rid of the black lines that I usually have in my work, and tried to use shape and color to define things. Hope you like it!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Bandits rob Poodles
(click upon to enlargenify image)
Keeping the Fantasy in Fantasy Football.
Week 3 in the AWFFL fantasy football league. The Penultimate Poodles traveled south to the home of the ferocious Chinese Bandits. As the Poodles traveled to the game in their lavish pink party bus, they psyched themselves up by painting their nails and using countless cans of hairspray to keep their poodle-doos in place. Entering the packed, bright yellow Kung Pao Stadium, the Poodles were overwhelmed. But then, the Poodles are always overwhelmed.
The game was a close one. The lead swapped back and forth the over and over. Late in the fourth quarter with the Poodles ahead, the Bandits pulled a trick play. At the snap of the ball, the Bandits pulled out trombones and began playing a John Philip Sousa march. The Poodles were so excited they forgot all about football and started doing their award winning marching routine. The Bandits strolled across the goal line. The extra point was kicked through the uprights (resembling giant chop sticks)... and the game was history. Final score Bandits 109 - Poodles 99.
Next week the Poodles travel to the home of the Mashers. Stay tuned.
Keeping the Fantasy in Fantasy Football.
Week 3 in the AWFFL fantasy football league. The Penultimate Poodles traveled south to the home of the ferocious Chinese Bandits. As the Poodles traveled to the game in their lavish pink party bus, they psyched themselves up by painting their nails and using countless cans of hairspray to keep their poodle-doos in place. Entering the packed, bright yellow Kung Pao Stadium, the Poodles were overwhelmed. But then, the Poodles are always overwhelmed.
The game was a close one. The lead swapped back and forth the over and over. Late in the fourth quarter with the Poodles ahead, the Bandits pulled a trick play. At the snap of the ball, the Bandits pulled out trombones and began playing a John Philip Sousa march. The Poodles were so excited they forgot all about football and started doing their award winning marching routine. The Bandits strolled across the goal line. The extra point was kicked through the uprights (resembling giant chop sticks)... and the game was history. Final score Bandits 109 - Poodles 99.
Next week the Poodles travel to the home of the Mashers. Stay tuned.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Bob Staake
(click to enlarge)
Last year I attended a regional SCBWI conference here in Nashville. One of the conference leaders was Diane Muldrow, an editor and author at Golden Books/Random House. She spoke about her first "jacketed hardcover" picture book that she had written which was illustrated by Bob Staake. I bought a copy and got Diane to sign it for me.
Later in the year, Bob Staake put out a plea on Facebook for everyone to send him all the old pencils they had. He was going to use them in a project of some kind. I took this opportunity to send him a ziplock bag full of pencil stubs, my copy of We Planted a Tree, and an SASE.
I now have my copy of We Planted a Tree signed by both the author and the illustrator! In addition to signing the book and doing a little sketch, Bob also did a fun drawing on the return SASE I had sent. Cool!
Today is Bob's birthday. I think he is like 85 or something... but he is still going strong! He has inspired many artists with his speed, endless creativity, and productivity. I am a big Fan of Bob. FOB
Happy birthday, Bob!
Ferocious... NOT
Ferocious?... I think NOT!
You might want to sing this little song as you look at the kitty:
Soft kitty,
warm kitty,
little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty,
Purr, purr, purr.
You might want to sing this little song as you look at the kitty:
Soft kitty,
warm kitty,
little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty,
Purr, purr, purr.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Poodles hock Phlegm
click to biggercize
Putting the Fantasy in Fantasy Football.
Week 2 in the AWFFL fantasy football league. It was a clear day with sunny skies at Flambeau Field, home of the Penultimate Poodles. The Poodles entered the pink stadium to the roar of thousands, er, hundreds... OK, tens of fans. Their rivals, the slippery, loogie hocking Phlegm, kicked off to begin the epic battle.
The Phlegm took an early lead, sliming the field and watching while puzzled Poodles slid in every direction. It wasn't till late in the 4th quarter during a time out for tea and crumpets, that the Poodles discovered that donning their hot pink Crocs enabled them to skate by the Phlegm and score touchdowns.
The rest is AWFFL history. Poodles skated by the Phlegm with a score of 127 to 81. Next week... the Poodles face the one-eyed Chinese Bandits. Poodles are now getting in some serious practice eating their Poodle Chow with chop sticks. OY!
Putting the Fantasy in Fantasy Football.
Week 2 in the AWFFL fantasy football league. It was a clear day with sunny skies at Flambeau Field, home of the Penultimate Poodles. The Poodles entered the pink stadium to the roar of thousands, er, hundreds... OK, tens of fans. Their rivals, the slippery, loogie hocking Phlegm, kicked off to begin the epic battle.
The Phlegm took an early lead, sliming the field and watching while puzzled Poodles slid in every direction. It wasn't till late in the 4th quarter during a time out for tea and crumpets, that the Poodles discovered that donning their hot pink Crocs enabled them to skate by the Phlegm and score touchdowns.
The rest is AWFFL history. Poodles skated by the Phlegm with a score of 127 to 81. Next week... the Poodles face the one-eyed Chinese Bandits. Poodles are now getting in some serious practice eating their Poodle Chow with chop sticks. OY!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Don't even THINK about it
click to enlargen
This was inspired by the Illustration Friday word "Boundaries." While coming up with this idea, I remembered a trip to Chicago many years ago. We were looking for a parking place at a crowded restaurant. As I drove by the front, there was a sign at one spot that said, "Don't even think of parking here!" It made me laugh. The first time I had ever seen a sign like that.
Don't let this image be a boundary to you. If you are visiting from Illustration Friday you can click on the blog header and see what is happening with the Penultimate Poodles. Curious?
This was inspired by the Illustration Friday word "Boundaries." While coming up with this idea, I remembered a trip to Chicago many years ago. We were looking for a parking place at a crowded restaurant. As I drove by the front, there was a sign at one spot that said, "Don't even think of parking here!" It made me laugh. The first time I had ever seen a sign like that.
Don't let this image be a boundary to you. If you are visiting from Illustration Friday you can click on the blog header and see what is happening with the Penultimate Poodles. Curious?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
the AWFFL fantasy football league
(click to bigger-cize) POODLES SLURP THE NOODLES
It's football time again and that means the fantasy football leagues are back in business. I am a member of the AWFFL league. That's Another Worthless Fantasy Football League. It is composed of brothers, nephews, and assorted relatives. Some of said relatives are Professional Football Fanatics and others are... well... not. Do you see me holding up my hand here? Way in the back... in the corner... next to the exit?
We have two divisions. The Dementia and the Bipolar. Luckily, I am in the Bipolar division which is the ABSOLUTE BEST DIVISION EVER!!! uh... no, I take that back it's totally the PITS!! No... it's Awesome! No, it's Horrible! I am so depressed to be in it... never mind. Deep breath... moving on...
Anyway, after the first week my team the Penultimate Poodles, triumphed over the slippery but tasty Instant Noodles. It was a very flavorful, yet highly salty game. The Poodles relaxed after their first win in the team hot tub playing with their chewy toys, eating Purina Poodle Chow and sipping Perrier water.
Week two brings us a Home game vs the Sedro Woolley Phlegm. What a bunch of slime bags!
It's football time again and that means the fantasy football leagues are back in business. I am a member of the AWFFL league. That's Another Worthless Fantasy Football League. It is composed of brothers, nephews, and assorted relatives. Some of said relatives are Professional Football Fanatics and others are... well... not. Do you see me holding up my hand here? Way in the back... in the corner... next to the exit?
We have two divisions. The Dementia and the Bipolar. Luckily, I am in the Bipolar division which is the ABSOLUTE BEST DIVISION EVER!!! uh... no, I take that back it's totally the PITS!! No... it's Awesome! No, it's Horrible! I am so depressed to be in it... never mind. Deep breath... moving on...
Anyway, after the first week my team the Penultimate Poodles, triumphed over the slippery but tasty Instant Noodles. It was a very flavorful, yet highly salty game. The Poodles relaxed after their first win in the team hot tub playing with their chewy toys, eating Purina Poodle Chow and sipping Perrier water.
Week two brings us a Home game vs the Sedro Woolley Phlegm. What a bunch of slime bags!
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
This image was inspired by the Illustration Friday word Mysterious. Magicians are mysterious aren't they? I tried to use some different colors than I usually do on this image. I am also trying to get the hang of texture. I have a lot to learn here, but I am making progress!
I have magicians on my mind because I recently read a really entertaining book, Carter Beats the Devil. It has collected 4 1/2 out of 5 stars on Amazon. It is a book that has a little bit of everything in it. You have good guys and bad guys, danger, suspense, history, romance, mystery, a lion and elephant, and pirates with a plot that keeps you turning pages. If you want a fun read, I would recommend it!
(trade secret... you can click on the image to magically make it bigger!)
Oh... if you enjoy this blog, please click on the "Join this Site" button. If 6 more highly intelligent, discerning people would join, I would have 100 followers! That would be awesome! You KNOW you want to... :o)
I have magicians on my mind because I recently read a really entertaining book, Carter Beats the Devil. It has collected 4 1/2 out of 5 stars on Amazon. It is a book that has a little bit of everything in it. You have good guys and bad guys, danger, suspense, history, romance, mystery, a lion and elephant, and pirates with a plot that keeps you turning pages. If you want a fun read, I would recommend it!
(trade secret... you can click on the image to magically make it bigger!)
Oh... if you enjoy this blog, please click on the "Join this Site" button. If 6 more highly intelligent, discerning people would join, I would have 100 followers! That would be awesome! You KNOW you want to... :o)
Friday, September 02, 2011
Hallmark card contest entry
So... a few days ago I ran across a contest from Hallmark cards. The contest was to design a Mother's Day card which involved a pet in some way. The deadline to enter was just a day away. This was perfect because I only work under pressure. I have always thought making cards would be fun and here was my chance to enter something. I picked up a pen and on a piece of scrap paper, I doodled out the FIRST thing that came to mind. Here is what it looked like:
I knew if I tried to come up with something better I would get bogged down and probably get distracted and then not get an entry in. I quickly penciled a cat on a sheet of copy paper and then "inked" it in with a felt tip. Again, I could have wasted a lot of time trying to come up with the right style of cat drawing, but I was now operating "unencumbered by the thought process" as the Car Talk guys like to say. I scanned the drawing in and added some color with Photoshop. Here is what it looked like:
The inside of the card reads: "You're PUR-fect!"
So... entry created and submitted in about an hour. It was fun! Now I wait...
I knew if I tried to come up with something better I would get bogged down and probably get distracted and then not get an entry in. I quickly penciled a cat on a sheet of copy paper and then "inked" it in with a felt tip. Again, I could have wasted a lot of time trying to come up with the right style of cat drawing, but I was now operating "unencumbered by the thought process" as the Car Talk guys like to say. I scanned the drawing in and added some color with Photoshop. Here is what it looked like:
The inside of the card reads: "You're PUR-fect!"
So... entry created and submitted in about an hour. It was fun! Now I wait...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Shark! Man!
I was INFLUENCED to draw Sharkman by the Chicken Nugget Lemon Tooty kids. What a fun blog! To celebrate 5 years of art posted by the kids, we are invited to create some FAN art of one of the pieces online. When I saw Sharkman, he was calling my name! So here is my version. Maybe I can INFLUENCE some of you to do the same.
Oh, and by the way... isn't "Chicken Nugget Lemon Tooty" just the best blog name ever?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Postcard giveaway!

So, here's the deal. While supplies last, if you send me your mailing address I will send you a postcard. Cool, eh? All you have to do is click around on those brand new buttons and see what you find. When you come across my email address just drop me a note with your mailing address and a crisp new postcard will be crawling your way by snail mail.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Shark Week!

Shark week
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Winter is coming!

(click to enlarge)
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Pig Martin

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I like their little red orange bug eyes.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thursday, April 07, 2011
monkey see-monkey do

I love the painted objects that Eric Barclay makes. The other day I was rounding up the plastic bottles to take to the recycling center when I saw a little lemon bottle. It was calling to me. So I thought I would take a shot at painting it. Monkey see... monkey do. It was fun, but my acrylic paint was so old it was gummy and didn't flow on well. If I do this again, I'm gonna buy some fresh paint.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
walkin' the birdy

Today I whipped out a quick little gator in the morning. Never got anything else done so it looks like this will be my final sketch for this project. I threw on a little Photoshop color on top of the purple pencil lines and brush pen ink... and there you go!
It's been fun. I'm hoping to post more sketches. OOPS! I said it out loud and probably jinxed it...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
girl with friend

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011
unicorn dolphins and double rainbows

Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Monday, March 07, 2011

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